
Whirl like a dervish See the mystical in the morning twilight walk Surrounded by the pure essence of the divine Sweep the threshold free of the yesterdays And run wildly into today Revel in the magic that is the dawning of your existence in this Turning of one moment...

Under the Spell of Ambition

Ambition puts the weary and bone tired into our every day Ambition steals the meander out of any journey Ambition hurries you along as you attempt to smell the roses Ambition is the purveyor of busy busy busy and seldom lets the sun shine down on your upturned face...

5 Reasoning Abilities Manipulative People Don’t Have

There are 5 reasoning abilities that we have that manipulative people do not. We think they do and it causes us to think we are crazy, we become exhausted and we can become ill as a result of dealing with manipulators in our lives. Dr. Alan Godwin has a great book...

Misconceptions about Depression

Robin Williams’ death has been such a heartbreaking reminder that people need to know the facts about depression. It does lead to death sometimes. We do have ways to treat it, and it is imperative to ask for help. If you or someone you know is experiencing any...