Codependency, Part III

The child who is destined to become a codependent will become extremely talented at pretending; pretending not to feel, see, or hear what is going on in front of them. They re-package their real feelings to cope with the narcissism of the dysfunctional parents. These...

Codependency, Part II

Codependents are, by definition, “dependent”. They depend on others or something outside of themselves to make them feel valuable. Dependency comes from low self-esteem and fear of abandonment. Do you: Excessively think, worry, or talk about someone else?...

What is Codependency?

It’s a sneaky disease hidden under the guise of care-taking and rescuing, and it robs women and men of their senses, their souls, and their deep truth. It comes from not being validated, or seen, or blessed as children. We do not develop a positive sense of self...