We all need a moment—or maybe a lot of moments—to land softly, relax into and covet our deepest truth. Intentional solitude is a conscious way to make space and room to hear and honor our deepest desires and allow our soul inquiries to come to fruition.

Here are a few questions to help in this process. Best wishes for the New Year, my Fierce Feminine and Masculine Love Warriors.

Listen from the Wild Wise Woman deep within and journal your answers from your sacred place of intentional solitude. (You may choose to light a candle to symbolize creating sacred space)

The measurement of assessing is simple:

What needs more?

What needs less?

More specifically:

What work, adjustments, loosenings, or emphasizing needs to take place?

Are we still on proper course with spirit and soul?

Is our inner life showing on the outside?

What needs battening, protecting, ballasts, or weights?

What needs to be disposed of, moved or changed?

What needs to be retrieved and returned to its rightful place and what needs to be released to go home to its rightful place?

What of our brilliance is calling us to be unearthed and owned?

Adapted from:
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
“Women Who Run With the Wolves”