5 Reasoning Abilities Manipulative People Don’t Have

There are 5 reasoning abilities that we have that manipulative people do not. We think they do and it causes us to think we are crazy, we become exhausted and we can become ill as a result of dealing with manipulators in our lives. Dr. Alan Godwin has a great book...

Soul Speaks

Our Soul Speaks Classes always inspire me they are soul shaking spirit speaking truth revealing experiences. Thank you to my Soul Speaks Peeps! Here is what I know about Belonging Some will, some won’t. Some do, some don’t. Some choose to, some choose not to....

Finding Serenity in Coping

The  Serenity Prayer was first introduced to me when I was around 10 years old, my neighbor Marie Dalzell gifted me with a plaque with the words inscribed on them. I knew it  was powerful then but never knew the meaning it would come to have over time. It goes like...

Addiction and Compulsion Therapy

What’s the difference between an addiction and compulsive behavior? Read on and find out how to discern if you are just passionate about something or if you are creeping toward an addiction. There are many compulsive behaviors (for exp. drinking, shopping,...