Mechanisms of Self Denial

1.       The False Self System We express a shadow aspect of ourselves when we feed the false self-system rather than stay in our authenticity. Latin Americans have a saying which describes the danger of holding onto the false self “whoever has a tail of straw should...

The Inner Critic vs Your Essential Self

The inner critic uses comparison, self doubt and judgment interchangeably as ways to create dissonance within so the wounds get activated and shame has a place to take root and grow. Shame is like a weed that grows wildly until it is exposed and uprooted by...

Article Transition Through Loss: What You Need to Know When a Significant Relationship Ends

We often experience loss in many forms in our lives, whether it be the death of someone we love or losing a primary relationship in our lives; it can be one of the most difficult things we experience in life. You may feel anxiety, depression, disorientation and grief...