Rumi’s Advice For Relationships

In generosity and helping others, be like a river In compassion and grace, be like the sun In concealing others faults, be like the night In anger and fury be as if you have died In modesty and humility be like the earth In tolerance, be like the sea Appear as you...

Facetime Support

Lizanne is pleased to announce support for Apple’s FaceTime video-conferencing. Clients can now conduct therapy sessions remotely using the FaceTime application. If you are outside the Denver area, or unable to travel, you can now meet with Lizanne via FaceTime....

Be Alive!

Think freely. Smile often. Tell those you love that you do. Rediscover old friends. Make new ones. Hope. Grow. Give. Give in. Pick some daisies. Share them. Keep a promise. Laugh heartily. Reach Out. Let someone in. Hug a kid. Slow down. See a sunrise. Listen to rain....