Our Soul Speaks Classes always inspire me they are soul shaking spirit speaking truth revealing experiences. Thank you to my Soul Speaks Peeps!

Here is what I know about Belonging

Some will, some won’t.
Some do, some don’t.
Some choose to, some choose not to.
Belonging is, at the heart of it, an inner choice, an inside job.
Do you belong to yourself?
Which means do you own who you are?
The good, the precious, the bad and the ugly?

Because at the end of the day what we own we can change.
What we name we can claim.
What we claim we can change.
What can be changed is the things we were taught.
What we claim is who we are.
What we are not is our defenses and devises.
What we are is our gifts to the world and our beauty.

We all yearn to belong. It is a basic human need to feel love and be loved.
So the end game is the starting point. It is with us.
We get to, need to, desire to, deserve to, and demand to belong to ourselves.
What does that mean? We can and often do learn and choose to love ourselves, especially learning to forgive ourselves of our human imperfections. When we can do that for ourselves we can then do it for others and when we can do it for the good, the bad and the ugly in others then Belonging becomes a part of our world and we create belonging as we go.
Compassion is the key to belonging to ourselves, can you; can we love ourselves enough to own our frailties? Can we speak to ourselves as we would a young child who is being taught to love themselves as they learn how to navigate their way in the world, with gentle loving guidance?
Perhaps we get to, need to, want to, talk to ourselves in that gentle and tender way and invite ourselves home to Belonging. Like a parent welcomes a child home each and every day of that child’s life no matter how old they get, they are met with open arms and Welcome Home!