Anxiety and Fear

Anxiety and fear go hand and hand. They usually walk in the territory of where we feel our inadequacies. We all have them; those fears that show up in our beliefs…that we may not be good enough, that we are a fraud and if people really knew us they wouldn’t love...


I wrote this a while ago as I so often do in the wee hours of the morning. Fear was knocking on my door and woke me up demanding to be heard. It came with its many disguises. Have a think on this after you read it and see if you can identify the disguises your fear...

Divorce: Part II

Blue Iris, a great divorce support and education organization asked me the following question, and here’s how I responded: “How can we deal with some of the more difficult feelings that come up during a divorce”? First of all, I’d like to make...

Divorce, Part I

Divorce can be overwhelming, so it is helpful to know what the possible stages of any crisis can look like. As so many of us have experienced in our lives, there is often a crisis that throws us into a cycle of transformation, and divorce is certainly one of those...

Relationships, Part II

In John and Julie Gottman’s book, “10 Lessons to Transform Your Marriage” they state that there are a set of particular poisonous interactions called “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” which can cause serious damage to relationships...