In Soul Speaks this week, the topic was “Kiss Your Dread”, taken from a poem by Nikita Gill. It’s always a wonderful plethora of possibilities as we hear everyone’s take on their experiences and perspectives on the topics we choose. These last two nights were no different, chock full of rich and amazing gifts of truth from our Soul Speaks tribe. Here is what I awoke with this morning, regarding dread.
We all have dread. Sometimes, we dread what we are about to do. Sometimes, it’s something in our lives that we do not want to do. Mostly, things we need to do but we don’t want to do.
For example:
Speaking up when it would be so much easier to stay silent,
Saying yes to a call to be more of who we are when it would be easier to say “no, thank you”,
Stepping into the fray and engaging in the change that you need because you can’t stand on the sidelines anymore,
Speaking your truth lovingly and deeply with a roar instead of an apology,
Honoring your lineage: the good, the bad, and the ugly of it all,
Walking through the wasteland, burning it to the ground to get to the beauty of who you are.
Yes, it would be so much easier in life to get waylaid by dread and fear, but life wouldn’t meet you in all its splendor and beauty if you didn’t say that yes, step into the mix, call out your truth, and take a stand for goodness. So, kiss your dread and walk right through the territory of fear to the life that is your birthright.
Go ahead, kiss your dread and keep going, straight to the heart of you!
Image provided by Unsplash under Creative Commons 0 License.
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