It takes the Fierce Feminine in all her love and mercy to see beyond the hurt and fear to the brilliance of what we each are
It takes the Fierce Feminine to set fire to the old limiting beliefs and transform them into the golden riches of wisdom and truth
It takes the Fierce Feminine to be open and to discern that which makes each of us,
oh so human and oh so brilliantly divine
It takes the Fierce Feminine to stir the pot of creativity and patiently cook the ingredients of beauty, slowly and steadily stirring until it’s finished into sustenance and nourishment for the soul
It takes the Fierce Feminine to rise like the Phoenix, out of the ashes of subjugation, and stand firm strong tall and empowered in the body wisdom that is the ancestry of us all
It takes the Fierce Feminine to awaken in each of us, female and male, all her wisdom love mercy and discernment, to be the catalyst for change in the world as we know it
It takes the Fierce Feminine who’s Love fills the heart of each of us as we see every other through eyes of compassion and understanding
It takes the Fierce Feminine to kneel at the Alter of Gratitude with consciousness that the feminine and the masculine deserve to live in peace and harmony
It takes the Fierce Feminine to wrap her warrior arms around us in protection and
and love against the dearth of fear and rage
It takes the Fierce Feminine to demonstrate and show kindness and mercy to those that fight against love’s reigning nature
It takes the Fierce Feminine to bow down in reverence to the most tender hearted and vulnerable, for they will inherit the earth and rule the world
It takes the Fierce Feminine to revel in the beauty of the feminine and masculine as they come together in the dance of union of true goodness in each of us – this will be the change we wish to see in the world
It takes the Fierce Feminine to boldly hold the opposite as a purveyor of beauty and a sacred treasure to behold
It takes the Fierce Feminine to challenge the status quo and champion the immaturity of humanity of the world to grow into their inherent wisdom
It takes the Fierce Feminine to be the heart warrior, soul nurturer, slayer of lies and the queen of truth
It takes the Fierce Feminine laying claim to this revolutionary crack in the fabric of time, breaking open the healing, transformational, ground shaking, blinding light of cosmic proportions promise of change
It takes the Fierce Feminine to birth this
Into the world
It takes the Fierce Feminine
To surrender her heart for the good of the world
To take up arms to fight for our worth and value
To kneel down in prayer for what is good and beauty
To stand firm for the protection of the most vulnerable
To gather arm in arm and to circle around providing loves embrace
To kneel at the feet of our opposite to learn from them and hear their cries of pain and suffering
To rise up and offer a gift of nourishment and love to heal the wound of their hurt
To at long last hold the hand and the heart of someone you thought you knew only to know them at their most vulnerable and sacred
To see the treasure within and bless it like it was your own, being mirrored to you in their struggling eyes
That’s what it takes and the Fierce Loving Powerful Compassionate Feminine is the new way, your heart will be held and valued as the treasure it is whether you buy into the revolution or not, she loves you no matter and forever
because at the heart of the Fierce Feminine is Love is always Love! 1-1-18
Do you want to lay claim to your own fierce brilliant feminine? If you do, then give me a shoutout and I can help you clear away whatever is getting in the way of you knowing yours. Go ahead and be your brilliant self!
Photo courtesy of Unsplash under Creative Commons 0 License
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