Articles & Musings by Lizanne Corbit
Take the Leap of Faith to Believe In Yourself
Let's take the often frightening leap to believe in ourselves, to have faith in our being, to break the bonds of self-doubt and self-degradation and the belief that we are less than because we are a woman, or a feeling person, or a sensitive being,...
The Power of One
Wow! I was so fortunate to perform my poem, "The Power of One" at The Embracing the Feminine Festival this past weekend at the opening ceremony! As an introduction to the powerful Cheeta McClellan who demonstrated the power of one so powerfully...
The Magic of Feelings
The magic that is life comes from the ability to transform what is fearful and hurtful into calm…into beauty and soothing.
Where are the boundaries? Boundaries between people can be like concrete walls, or they can be as flimsy as a paper divider. Both can keep things out and and we might not recognize it, but they may also keep things in; deep feelings we are afraid...
Meeting Life
Our Soul Speaks group spoke to the topic of "meeting life". So, I have been having a think on that and here's what I know so far: How do we meet life? If our insides don't match our outside world, the world we live in, our partners, our families,...
Life is a Prayer
I wrote this blog when I found out I was going to be a part of a Blue Iris event supporting women going through divorce through education and a supportive community. It brought back memories of my own divorce (20years ago) and the deep despair and...
Look Beyond the “Doing” of Your Day
Of course, we suffer. We suffer from depression, anxiety, and a deep dissatisfaction in life when we don’t live authentically. We suffer when we are clouded by that which we developed to survive, but that clogged up our soul and prevented our...
On Being Heroic
It is heroic to grow into yourself and to grow out of old, limiting perspectives and beliefs about who you are. It takes courage and fortitude, and deep desire and hope, for without hope there is no desire and calling for more. What do any of us...
Tips for Greater Psychological Health
Everyone can use these tips to create greater psychological health! They may not surprise you but are such good reminders. Enjoy!