Articles & Musings by Lizanne Corbit
Welcome to the Mystery School of the Fierce Feminine
“Be aware of your wound. Don't help it to grow, let it be healed.” - OSHO, You Carry your Wound Today, I want to challenge you to do something incredibly daring. That is, I want you to stop investing in your limiting beliefs, the stories you tell...
The Other Side of the Cancer Diagnosis
This is for the people on the other side of a cancer diagnosis, and I want to share this because I want people to feel free to honor their grief - to have permission to support loved ones in their grief, and also themselves. Bless the caretakers of...
Wading Through the Wasteland: What in Your Life is Simply Not Working?
Lately, we have been talking quite a bit about embracing the call to own your essence, but how can we learn to listen to that deep inner voice if we have no idea what it sounds like? How will you know when you’re being called to walk a different...
Lizanne Corbit on Notorious: Poetic Travels of the Fierce Feminine
Most of you who know Lizanne Corbit know her as a private practice psychotherapist here in Denver, CO. What you may not know, however, is that she is also the co-founder of a wildly successful program known as Soul Speaks, a renowned author, a...
Soul Speaks featured on Extraordinary Women Radio
Don't miss Lizanne and Paula featured on Extraordinary Women Radio with Kami Guildner! Listen to the full podcast HERE!
Soul Speaks featured on 9 News!
Recently, Lizanne and Paula were featured on 9 News to discuss Soul Speaks and how modern women can develop confidence in the workplace. Watch the full video here.
Change Your Story, Change Your World
After being reached out to by members of my tribe of women, this came to me as a response to a beautiful woman from my lineage who shared her perspective about what is happening in her world. Her story invited and reminded me that love is the power...
Love Yourself Fiercely
In my Soro Mystica Circle of kick ass women, we are working on consciously changing our limiting stories by walking through the wasteland and answering the call. Here's a bit of what we have attended to so far. May it ignite a flame for you to...
Kiss Your Dread
In Soul Speaks this week, the topic was "Kiss Your Dread", taken from a poem by Nikita Gill. It's always a wonderful plethora of possibilities as we hear everyone’s take on their experiences and perspectives on the topics we choose. These last two...