Articles & Musings by Lizanne Corbit
The Choices We Make
Each choices we make in each moment impact ourselves and others every day. And, they can have lasting impacts. Are you aware of those choices?
Healing: The Solution We Always Have at Hand
When challenges – great and small – seem to block us at every turn, it is easy to become critical, harsh and despairing. However, we have another option. We can choose to adopt a healing perspective on situations, ourselves, others and the world. It may be the kindest act we ever take.
Book Review: Spiritual Divorce by Debbie Ford
Of all of the major life changes, divorce can be among the most brutal. But, it does not necessarily have to be that way. Debbie Ford maps out a path to greater healing and transformation, allowing us to weather the turmoil and find greater peace and personal growth.
Challenged? Welcome Back to School
Being challenged is a normal part of the human condition. How we view challenge, however, strongly impacts how we respond to these situations and how we weather them. See challenges as literally being the lessons of life – and opportunity to observe, study, practice and learn – gives an objectivity around the situation that we could not experience by merely viewing the crisis as a barrier. What can you learn in Earth School?
Tapping Feminine Energy to Navigate Crisis
As human beings, we are naturally going to face periodic crises. How well we surface from those events may be largely dependent upon how well we can tap our internal feminine energy. As this energy is most in tune with the cycles of life we inevitably experience, we can draw upon it to navigate our challenges.
Lessons from Myth: Light in the Darkness
Joseph Campbell was the master of interpreting – and utilizing – myth. He shows us that myth can have very real, practical lessons. Here is one lesson about darkness, that each of us can draw from every day.